Alphabet in summer time

A for Andorra-la-Viella Where both cousins will go shopping this week-end, After driving through the tunnel so scaring.

B for the Blisters on the heels He got riding on his bike Without socks in his shoes, And the special dressing he got from his friend.

H hor the noisy Hedgehog Who softly entered our room last night But thouroughly brushed his spines On our coco-doormat, when leaving.

N for the blackbirds' Nest full of brown eggs, Gently moved from my neighbours' hedge By our courteous gardener To my own troughs, "so cute" he said !

S for the faithful couple of swallows Who came back nesting for the second time To our wooden beam, Feeding with the mosquitoes from our pond.

Alphabet in summer time
Auteur (images): Marie-Céline Perroy
Auteur (bande son): Annie Lesca
Licence: License

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