The Voyage of the Macaroni Man

The very merry voyage of the Macaroni Man, in The Jingle Book by Carolyn Wells (Project Gutenberg)

And if you care to listen, you may hear the thrilling tale Of the merry Macaroni Man's extraordinary sail.

His anxious mother called to him and said : "You'd better not !"

But our hero used precautions, carefully he shunned the spray, And when the steam blew toward him, he just steerend the other way

A single puff blew toward him, and it nearly cooked his face ! The mournful Macaroni Man felt sadly out of place.

But a happy thought occured to him : "Ha, ha, ho, ho ! I'll just sail on around the world...

He skimmed the Red Sea like a bird, the Indian Ocean crossed, But once in Oceanica, he feared he was lost.

His mother welcomed him and said "I'm glad there was no shower : But hurry in, my bonny boy, I've waited tea an hour."

Auteur (images): Oliver HERFORD, 1899
Auteur (bande son): Annie Lesca
Licence: License

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