Crane The Fairy Ship

A ship, a ship a-sailing, Sailing o'er the sea ; And it was deeply laden With good things for me !

For me, for me, for me ! And it was deeply laden With good things for me !

Raisins in the cabin ;

Almonds in the hold

The sails they were of satin, The mast it was of gold, Of gold, of gold, of gold !

There were fifty little sailors Skipping o'er the decks ; There were fifty little white mice, With rings about their necks !

The captain was a Duck, With a jacket on his back.

And when the ship set sail, The captain he said Quack, Quack, quack, quack ! And when the ship set sail, The captain he said Quack !

Source on Baldwin Library, ; About Walter Crane and toybooks,

Auteur (images): Walter Crane
Auteur (bande son): Annie Lesca
Licence: License

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