Express Railway

With a hurry and scurry and white steam and smoke, Comes this Special Express Train to you little folk, May it bring you much pleasure, and when summer's here May one like this take you to the seaside, my dear !

A stands for arches and B for the bell.

C stands for the comfort of folk in the train, and for the carriage which drives down the lane.

D for the danger, E for excursion, F for the foot-warmer

G fot the goods-train, H for the hurry

I for the incoming train, J for the journey, K for the kiss

L for the lancers who come from the wars, M for the milk which is left at our doors.

N for the news and the newspaper stall, O for the omnibus -- room for us all.

P for the platform from which we depart Away to the country when the trains start.

Q for the queen's train, the best on the line, R for refreshment-room where we can dine.

S for the signal and T for the train : it waits till the sheep are safe once again.

U for the upset of baggage and cage, V for the viaduct shown on this page.

W for Waiting-room where we must wait ; Sleepy we get if the train's very late.

X, Y and Z are here on a truck shown Where all the other big letters are thrown, They've journeyed from lessonland to tell you and me How delightful the hours in that country can be. FATHER TUCK.

Auteur (images): R. Tuck and sons, ed.
Auteur (bande son): Annie Lesca
Licence: License

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