
Fifteen silhouettes, by Frederick CHURCH (Baldwin Library - University of Florida)
A Canadian toboggan
Our first investment in the carriage trade
A rockaway
A job for the carriage maker
Mending the wagon
A "carryall" at home
A "carryall" at Central Park
"A family Turnout"
"Fifth Avenue Dog Cart"
"Four in Hand"
"A coal box buggy"
"After the circus"
"Driving Tandem"
A bad tail piece
How to make a chatterbox, on youtube :
Auteur (images): Frederick Stuart Church, 1878
Auteur (bande son): Annie Lesca
Ce diaporama a été produit à l'aide du logiciel Raconte-Moi d'AbulÉdu et utilise le travail de Atul Varma (sous licence cc-by) pour la partie web.
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