Crane Little Queen Anne

Little Queen Anne, sitting as usual in the sun, gets a letter.
It was an invitation from Three real Royal Rs to a Fancy Ball ! She accepts, but what shall she wear ?
She takes counsel, and a leaf out of her Fairy-Godmother's fashion-book, and orders her coach...
and twenty six Pages in waiting ...
conduct her by easy steps of one syllable to the guest-chamber where she meets some old friends,
and is royally received by the Three R's. The First gives her a Programme ;
The Second a little exercise, and the 3rd some slate refreshment.
Another learned old gentleman wants to interest her in His story. Professor Geography claims her for a round dance, while all the foreign Ambassadors try to get a word in.
but she prefers a chat with Miss Muffet. Dr Grammar wishes to join in the conversation.
And, for any spare attention she may have left, there are Three Sisters who speak in all languages. She finds them so interesting that she forgets how time goes until Mrs Grundy (an old lady who minds everybody's business) says : "It is time for all good little constitutional Queens to be in bed !"
Her Majesty's Sleeping-car stops the way. The great Magician, Signor Science, lights her out with his wonderful Lamp.
and she finds herself back again in the garden, dreaming of many happy returns to the Three Rs. From "Little Queen Anne" by Walter Crane.
Auteur (images): Walter Crane, 1886
Auteur (bande son): Annie Lesca
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