Crane Dick in the desert

Very early in life, he was suited for a sailor.
and, at the seaside, has thoughts of voyaging.
So he buys a boat,
and, taking a few necessaries,
he sets sail.
Wind and weather take counsel together,
and the result of their conference is
after a severe squall Dick finds himself cast up on a strange shore.
composed principally of slates and pencils
He is about to put down his sad story,
Imagine the end of the story. Illustrations from Baldwin Library
Auteur (images): Walter Crane, 1885
Auteur (bande son): Annie Lesca
Ce diaporama a été produit à l'aide du logiciel Raconte-Moi d'AbulÉdu et utilise le travail de Atul Varma (sous licence cc-by) pour la partie web.
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