Christmas time for Chloe

Dear Lisa, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! You were on my mind, so I decided to write you this letter to tell you about my experience. Christmas Eve was a wonderful day for me and my mother because we decorated the Christmas tree together, and we baked snicker doodle cookies and dusted them with cinnamon. We also made buttermilk cookies and put green and red sprinkles on top of them and drank plenty of egg nog. All of these treats tasted so delicious!
Decorating the tree was also fun! I hung the ornaments on it while my mother wrapped it with Christmas lights. Afterwards, she let me put the big star on top. It’s so easy for me now since I’m getting so tall! And, when we were finished decorating the tree, we turned on the Christmas lights and it looked so beautiful! I just love the smell of pine in the house and the sight of the luminescent tree. It really puts me in the Christmas spirit.
However, the night before Christmas was the longest night that I have ever experienced! I was so anxious to open my gifts that I had trouble falling asleep! I almost stayed up all night, thinking about what type of presents I would receive. In fact, I only slept for two hours! You’ve probably already guessed that I woke up early Christmas morning, snuck into the living room and open my gifts.
I tore into the boxes like a madman since I was so overcome with excitement, and I was ecstatic to find a teddy bear and a doll! The doll was so cool! It came with several outfits and I couldn’t wait to dress it up and customize it in the ways that I preferred.
After having opened my presents, my adrenaline finally slowed down and I became tired, so I decided to take a nap, cuddling my doll in my parents' armchair.
Well, I can’t wait to see you, hear about your Christmas day and hang out for New Years! Don’t forget your sewing kit! We can knit scarves and sweaters together on New Years’ Eve. I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun. Best friends forever! Yours truly, Chloe. Images by Arnaud Perat from RyXeo, written and said by Brian Erwin, 20131106.
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