
Alone amidst the Jade temple, the emperor is getting bored. He thus decides to invite all animals to feast and celebrate Chinese New Year.
KOTORI-the-green-bird, his favourite messenger, is endorsed with delivering his invitation to all of them.
NEZUMI-the-rat succeeds in convincing his friend NEKO-the-cat, to join him once he's fisnished his nap.
But during the night, NEZUMI-the-rat is awakened by the noise of heavy regular footsteps on the road.
Here is USHI-the-ox. USHI-the-ox tells NEZUMI-the-rat he started early in order to arrive on time. NEZUMI-the-rat decides to join him because he's so slow as well.
USHI-the-ox offers NEZUMI-the-rat a seat between his horns in order to cross the lotus river.
Guess who's getting sea-sick !
They slowly cross the river.
Early in the morning, in the Upper World, everybody is awakened by UMA-the-horse's neighing, that is to say HEBI-the-snake, USABI-the-rabbit and TORI-the-rooster.
In the Underworld, TORA-the-tiger roars with excitement. In his trail, RYU-the-dragon, SARU-the-monkey and even YAGI-the-goat set off to the Palace.
Both FUTA-the-pig and INU-the-dog join them for the trip : they all look forward the evening party in the Jade Palace and they merrily tread along the path all together in a joyful caravan.
What a jump ! TORA-the-tiger, the most fearless in the group, misses the opposite bank...
... and goes on swimming down to the bank.
What a jump ! USAGI-the-rabbit lands down... on a tree-trunk quickly floating down.
Fortunately, RYU-the-dragon blows him up to the bank.
What a jump ! RYU-the-dragon flies off to him and dries his water-soaked fur.
What a jump ! UMA-the-horse takes a spring – obstacle jumping is his speciality after all – and does land on the other bank... loaded with an unnoticed and clandestine passenger.
YAGI-the-goat and TORI-the-rooster go up to a place where crossing-fording is possible and they prudently leap from stone to stone. What a jump ! Look, SARU-the-monkey and his double somersault.
Saru-the-monkey does succeed in clinging to the end of the goat's tail.
SARU-the-monkey comforts YAGI-the-goat and encourages TORI-the-rooster who is still leaping and trying to keep his feather smooth and dry...
... in spite of INU-the-dog, splashing around, while playing with dragonflies.
– Come on, we're going to be late for New Year's Day ! FUTA-the-pig, who was still relaxing in a pool of mud close to the river, is being thrown over with water by INU-the-dog.
Why not ? Since he's already soaked, FUTA-the-pig joins his friend INU-the-dog into the river and glides along on his back.
Meanwhile, slowly and steadily, USHI-the-ox has finally reached the end of their trip and walks upon the bridge over the Jade river.
TORA-the-tiger swiftly swims across the river. They are welcome by an old man with thick white eyebrows.
Great ! Here is the emperor ! NEZUMI-the-rat is so disturbed that he jumps over to shake hands and falls down.
The emperor tells them about the reason of his invitation : each of them will be endorsed with a year-long mission ; each of them will be a tutor for one year, each in turn, NEZUMI-the-rat first of all.
Look ! More beasts are rushing in, so excited by the idea of partying at the end of their long trip.
Finally everybody's arrived, latecomers as well ;
everybody finds his place on the great time-wheel and stands in his proper cell. Each of them will transfer his qualities to the babies born during his year.
Now, NEZUMI-the-rat is back home and he meets his friend NEKO-the-cat who's just been awakening from his long long nap.
How to tell him that the feast is over and that he won't see the emperor's Asian carps ?
Suddenly, NEKO-the-cat notices the crown upon NEZUMI-the-rat's head and realizes that he's been pushed out of the competition by his friend.
In a rage, he starts chasing him. And ever since, cats do chase rats, night and day.
Cyril's receipe : her love for chinese legends about Zodiac ; a passion for Japanese language ; an urge to draw a rat travelling on top of an ox's head ; and here's her story. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as she did when drawing and writing it. Thanks a lot Cyril.
Ce diaporama a été produit à l'aide du logiciel Raconte-Moi d'AbulÉdu et utilise le travail de Atul Varma (sous licence cc-by) pour la partie web.
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[…] avec une version La grande course, à deux voix sur raconte-moi, et une version courte en anglais. […]